• I have an established blog that I recently upgraded to 2.6 from 2.5.1 using the automatic upgrade plugin.

    Today I have had three new comments awaiting approval but when I click on the comments tab on the dashboard (edit-comments.php) I get my site’s 404 error page.

    I have uploaded all of the WordPress 2.6 files again and forced a database upgrade. I can access edit-comments.php when viewing previously approved comments but if I manually approve any one of these three new comments (directly in the database) then the same problem occurs.

    It seems as if each of these new comments are causing the edit-comments.php page to not load, although there appears to be no obvious differences with previous comments.

    The wp_comments table looks OK and the problem doesn’t seem to related to the upgrade because comments have been made and successfully approved between then and now.

    Can anyone suggest a solution? I can’t find any mention of this problem elsewhere. Thanks.

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  • I have had similar problems when I have had a missing or incomplete file in my install or WordPress. I know that you said that you already manually reinstalled WordPress, but I would give it another go.

    Make sure you delete the old files completely, and then upload the fresh ones, good luck ??

    Thread Starter authcode


    Thanks for your reply jleuze but I’ve found the culprit and it’s a doozy.

    Basically if this string:

    “ORA-nnnnn: “

    (without quotes, where n is any digit and a single space trails the colon) appears in the comment_content field of a comment either MySQL, PHP or WordPress chokes, resulting in a 404 error for the page attempting to load one or more comments containg this string. In my case edit-comment.php.

    You can test this by entering a comment on your own blog like this:

    ORA-11111: test

    and then trying to edit the comment. (You have to enter something after the “: ” else the space will be trimmed and the problem won’t be triggered). The comment will show on the post page but will choke the edit-comment.php page.

    Unfortunately my blog is about Oracle databases and “ORA-nnnnn:” is an Oracle error code. I’m sure most people will never come across this problem but it’s quite significant for me.

    Anyone care to suggest what’s happening here?

    I’ve manully edited the offending comments to be “ORA–nnnnn: ” but interestingly, even though this fixes the problem, in certain uses, such as when the comment gets output at the bottom of the post page, the double hyphen is reduced to a single hyphen. What’s all that about?

    Hope this helps someone else and possibly even gets fixed!

    That’s a strange bug. I just tested it, and I didn’t receive any errors.

    But I’m sure that the bug hunters would be pleased if you reported it.

    Thread Starter authcode


    This also occurs on my WordPress 2.5.1 blog where it throws a 500 error trying to access edit-comments.php.

    My server is running MySQL 4.1.22-standard and PHP 5.2.6 on Apache 2.2.9 (Unix). If anyone cares.

    I’m not sure if this is a WordPress problem but how can I post WordPress bugs? I can’t find any information about posting bugs.

    You can report bugs in the WordPress trac.

    Thread Starter authcode


    Excellent, thank you.

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