• Resolved larckco


    I added the plugin over a week ago, everything worked just fine. Today I went to log in to the admin to add some content and I get this error:

    You were blocked by the WordPress Simple Firewall. Something in the URL, Form or Cookie data wasn’t appropriate.

    Dumped the cache, tried other browsers, other computers but still locked out of the admin page. I renamed the plugin folder on the server but still cannot log in. I need to know how to bypass this problem so I can log in and uninstall the plugin.

    FWIW I used three different browsers and 2 different computers so it appears to be a plugin problem.


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  • Thread Starter larckco


    Just started checking my other sites with this same plugin and getting same results.

    Plugin Author Paul


    Can you send me a link to your site so I can see the site?

    My guess is that something is being set in your cookies and the firewall is picking up on it.

    To disable the plugin, you’ll need to use FTP as outlined here: https://icontrolwp.freshdesk.com/support/articles/3000000959

    Let me know how you get on.

    Thread Starter larckco


    https://sumterdirectory.com (a couple others are doing same thing)

    Earlier I renamed the entire plugin folder which normally disables any plugin but oddly enough it didn’t help in this case. So I named it back to the original name and uploaded the forceOff file with the same result.

    BTW, thank you for the very fast response!

    Before I do anything else and I going to shut everything down and restart the network. I have had some issues with DNS changes due to my satellite so I better reset all of that to make sure that isn’t the problem and not the plugin. I just might be barking up the wrong tree here, it may not be the site at all.

    It doesn’t make sense that renaming the plugin folder failed to disable the plugin. Anyway, back in a few. Thanks for the help.

    Plugin Author Paul


    Yep, if you renamed the plugin and it didn’t help, you’ve got bigger/other problems at play here. WordPress can’t run a plugin it can’t “find”.

    Let me know.

    Thread Starter larckco


    Well, shutting everything down, unplugging the sat modem, turning off sat web acceleration did nothing for the problem. Here is an email I received from the plugin when I tried to log in:

    WordPress Simple Firewall has blocked a page visit to your site.
    Log details for this visitor are below:
    – IP Address: XX.XX.XXX.XXX
    – Page parameter failed firewall check. The offending parameter was “redirect_to” with a value of “https://sumterdirectory.com/wp-admin/”.
    – Firewall Trigger: Leading Schema.
    – Firewall Block Response: Visitor connection was killed with wp_die() and a message.
    You can look up the offending IP Address here: https://ip-lookup.net/?ip=XX.XX.XXX.XXX

    This site has a plugin which renames the wp-admin and I wonder if that is the culprit and not the firewall? It has been working for over a week with same configuration but anything is possible.

    Plugin Author Paul


    But didn’t you rename the plugin folder?

    If you did, then WordPress couldn’t possibly be still running the Simple Firewall… it just wouldn’t work.

    Try tweaking with the wp-admin folder… there should be little reason to rename that folder and you’re more likely to mess up other plugins doing that since it’s such a huge change. That’s what the Simple Firewall is designed to do – protect you while not messing with core WordPress running so as ensure compatibility elsewhere.


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