Ah i see,
First i would ask what theme are you using? and then i might be able to tell you if/how to do that in a settings panel.
I’ll explain how you ‘might’ go about doing that another way so you can consider your options.
first its important to know that when you look at the HTML of WordPress in Inspector, you are looking at a ‘compiled’ version of WordPress, and to actually access the HTML code you must understand that the HTML code is split up into seperate files, for example, the <title> </title>
tags for a WordPress site are almost always found in the header.php file inside the themes folder.
edited: Generally there are not .html files used with WordPress, instead all HTML code is placed inside .php files, and these .php files are loaded depending on which links you click. a .php file will contain HTML and that HTML will be rendered based on certain conditions which are set by the PHP code that resides inside the .php files along side the HTML code.
Go into your website root directory or the directory linked to the subdomain where WordPress is installed and find the wp-contents folder. Go into wp-contents and you will see a folder called themes, go into this folder and you will see more folders, these folders will be labelled as the theme names that you can preview and activate from within the WordPress dashboard Appearance > Themes.
I recommend making a backup of any theme you wish to modify and consider making a child theme – see below. The first file i recommend you to have a look at is index.php and then single.php, these are the two main files that make your website work, and you will find HTML code in there.
Finding the href to the main site will probably be in header.php.
Check out these resources to get a better explanation: