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  • Can you send a screen shot of that? And your blog page. Also might be worth just making a new page with a slug other then blog and then you can edit the page template.

    But regardless you don’t need to use the page template if your page is set as the posts page then posts will show on it. Have you created any posts?

    Kadence Themes

    Thread Starter Mickle Berra


    Yes, I have created a post –

    But I would like to edit the page.

    I would like the page to be similar to the existing blog page –


    What exactly are you wanting to do? Can you be a bit more specific?

    Your existing blog page has posts on the left side and a sidebar? Are you not sure how to add edit the sidebar?

    Kadence Themes

    Thread Starter Mickle Berra


    Yes, that, how to leave a comment, and all the other things I have on the old blog. The layout and the features.


    Comments for wordpress are controlled via Settings> Discussion. They should be enabled on posts by default. The one that you created isn’t linking to a post, so I cant currently see if they’re setup on your site.

    Sidebars for your blog are controlled within the blog edit screen. You can enable and assign a sidebar under “Blog List Options.”

    If you want to make a new sidebar, then you can do that in Theme Options> Misc Settings.

    Then you can add widgets to the new sidebar in appearance> Widgets.

    Does this help?

    Thread Starter Mickle Berra


    Here is the screenshot of the blog page with the post.

    Here is the screenshot of the default posts settings.

    Here is the screenshot of blog edit screen. There is no “Blog List Options.”

    Here is the link to old and new blog

    I can see the blog page with the post. The issue is that when I click the post it doesn’t take me anywhere so I can’t really see how things are setup.

    Click the “screen options” tab at the top of the page and be sure you’re enabling it up there.

    Also be sure that you’re up to date on all of your plugins, the theme, and wordpress. If you’re not seeing the screen options tab then there is something wrong. Unless you’ve made some changes to how your wordpress admin area is setup.

    1. Your screen shot for the blog edit shows that you have set that page as your posts page in the settings reading. You can’t set the posts page to the same page you want to use the blog template. It’s one or the other. Simply select a different page or no page for the posts page in your settings reading and you will see what I mean.

    2. In your settings > permalinks. Can you make sure your permalinks are set to “post name”

    Kadence Themes

    Thread Starter Mickle Berra


    That the instructions I got from keymakerproductions, the 4th post. Was that wrong? Can I have any page for a blog page?

    Posted 5 days ago #

    Login to your website
    In the Admin area, Find “Pages” to the left
    Hover mouse over “Pages” and select “Add New”
    Name your blog page and click “Publish”
    Look to left for “Settings”. Hover mouse over “Settings” and click “Reading”.
    On “Front page displays” you have two choices, “Your latest posts” and “A static page”. Select “A static page”.
    Don’t touch “Front page” because nothing is wrong with your front page. You need a blog; that’s the “Posts page” option. On the “Posts page” drop-down menu, select the blog page you created in step 4.
    Click “Save Changes”
    Go to menus and add blog page to your navigation

    That should do it.

    My posts above,
    “Go to Settings> Reading and set “Posts page” to be blank. This is preventing the blog editor from loading………..Leave it on select and you should be set.”

    Did you see that?

    Thread Starter Mickle Berra


    It’s blank as of now.

    But it was created as the post page.

    Do I need to delete that page now?


    No, it shouldn’t matter. You will just have to set the blog page template under the page attributes.

    Thread Starter Mickle Berra


    Okay, let’s forget about that page.

    How do you get this page for a blog page?

    Each article should be a post, and to be able to leave comments?




    Mickle Berra,
    You just need to go into the edit page and under the Page Attributes tab on the right click select the Blog page template.


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