• Hello WordPress experts,

    I would like to manage wordpress based on the proejcts. Eg. Some projects does’nt required posts. So can I remove all the ‘Post’ related options from admin. Also can I remove all the ‘Posts’ related files from the wordpress folder. Because wordpress basically having more than 20 MB file size. I think I can reduce that filesize by deleting all the ‘Post’ related files. I don’t want to upload unnecessary ‘Post’ files in my server. It will be helpfull if I get a list of unwanted ‘Post’ files. I likes very minimal file sizes. If the same project required ‘POSTs’ or ‘Blog’ later, I hope I can possible it by putting those deleted posts files again in my wordpress folder. I hopes an advice. Thanks in Advance.

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  • ‘posts’, ‘pages’, ‘menus’, and all other content types are the same thing in WordPress, just handles slighly different ways.

    As far as I’m aware, there’s no single files that you can safely remove and have everything else still work, and even i fyou did, the files would be added back in every time that you update anyway.

    If you’re concerned about the size of the files, just think about what’s involved in a normal website for a second. How many websites use less storage for images and uploades than they do for core files? Not many. In all that I’ve done so far I think there’s been two, and those were only very (and I mean very small sites with 2 or 3 pages. On top of that, your database is going to get up on MB pretty quickly if you’re making the sort of content updates that you should be if you’re going to run a successfull site.

    On top of all that, hosting space is pretty cheap. I haven’t seen a plan for anythng less than 100MB these days, and even with that, I’d never touch it becuase it’s grosely under-resourced. A “standard” plan is 500 or more MB. With that sort of psace, the time needed to go through each file and check if removing it will or won’t break the site seems to me a wasted exercise.

    If you want to hide hte menu options, that can be done. There’s verious ways of doing that and they woudl depend on just how you want things to work and how comfortable you are with permissions, etc, in the system.

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