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  • Hello,
    If you want to add a copy right text you could go to Dashboard=> Appearance=> Theme Options => Footer Options and then add your required copyright text.
    But removing the theme’s default theme author’s credentials(i.e. “Proudly powered by WordPress | Education Hub by WEN Themes” ) text is not available in free themes but you could edit theme’s file to do so.
    To edit any theme files, please build child theme first. You shouldn’t edit any theme files directly, as when you update the theme, all your edits will be reverted back to original. So, to be safe always build child theme, you can see how to make child theme here
    and then you could use this function in your child theme’s function.php to unhook the whole footer text:

    function unhook_functions() {
    remove_action( 'education_hub_action_footer', 'education_hub_footer_copyright', 10 );
    add_action( 'init', 'unhook_functions' );

    Or you can upgrade to pro which has option of removing the theme author’s text and credentials.

    best regards.

    Thread Starter saiviswa


    Thank you So much For your support. I have few quires kindly suggest me.


    I was done what you suggested.But in footer it is not appearing entirely. I was installed child theme and functions.php file copied code what ever you provide and i given text in Dashboard=> Appearance=> customize=> Theme Options=> Footer Options=> and Copyright Text i was given Managed by Viswa. But It is not appearing. what i need to do? Please guide me.


    I was create My Customization menu. custom Links URL i was given # symbol for few pages but in Menu Structure its appearing (Pending) custom Link. kindly suggest me how i can give custom link for page.

    currently using WordPress Version: 4.5.1


    The code I gave to you is suppose to remove the whole footer , so if you want to keep the authors credentials + your footer text please remove the code and add your text from Dashboard=> Appearance=> Theme Options => Footer Options .

    Your second question is not quite clear so I will only be able to answer it if you elaborate it more,

    For your final query,
    To add a featured content go to Dashboard=> Appearance=> Featured Content => Featured Content type => Change the disabled to static front page and customize accordingly.
    Best regards.

    Thread Starter saiviswa


    Thanks for your great support.

    In footer i need to remove Proudly powered by WordPress | Education Hub by WEN Themes.

    Dashboard=> Appearance=> Menus=> I was given Custom links in URL #(ash Symbol) for page in EDIT MENUS. But in MENU STRUCTURE appearing (Pending) Custom Link.

    Ex: the End user When you click on custom link page in web address it wont goes to the page. it appears ash symbol.

    Could you suggest me which VISUAL COMPOSER and SLIDE SHOW Plugins is suitable for this theme.


    Hello again ,
    Thank you for the appreciation,

    to answer the question
    1. The text you are trying to remove is not available to customize on the free theme, you can easily remove that on pro version .

    2. For the menu, if you want to add a custom link on the menu you will need to remove the (“#”) symbol and add your required url instead. But if you are looking for permalink to the pages that you have created you can directly add the pages to the menu, no custom url is needed with that way.

    3. Different people have different taste on plugins, however we cannot specify which plugins are better for you as it depends on you. You can find many sliders if you search for it.

    best regards.
    Best regards.

    Thread Starter saiviswa



    Thanks for your support.


    Unable to make changes in the Footer Credit Text.

    Hueman theme.

    Try as I may. I have been unable to locate any menu option to make changes in the Footer Credit text. It must be somewhere because the information was entered when building the website. If it does exist, it is most certainly not in an intuitive location.

    This appears to be a common issue with several Word Press themes. After reviewing several threads on this same subject, the apparent go-to option is to go into the source code of the theme and alter it. Really?

    Can someone please point me to a fix. I haven’t found one in the forum yet.

    Thank you in advance for any help on this subject.

    Found it.

    I will tell you the most effective way.
    1. go to Appeareance > editor
    2. go to footer.php
    3. remove the <?php
    * Hook – education_hub_action_footer.
    * @hooked education_hub_footer_copyright – 10
    do_action( ‘education_hub_action_footer’ );
    (This is the 3rd last block of php code)
    4. And insert the following html in that area

    Copyright. All rights reserved<br/> Pacific Limited | Created by EZ Studio Ltd

    use the anchor tag to insert link

    ENJOY ??

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by bibek123.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by bibek123.
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