Hello @amptize
We do not have the header and footer section remove setting options, but you can customize the code to remove them. Here are the details:
File Path: plugins/generate-pdf-using-contact-form-7/inc/front
File Name: class.cf7-pdf-generation.front.action.php
Line Number: 306
Before Code:
$mpdf->SetHTMLHeader( $headerContent );
$mpdf->SetHTMLFooter( $footerContent );
After Code:
/*$mpdf->SetHTMLHeader( $headerContent );
$mpdf->SetHTMLFooter( $footerContent );*/
You can refer to this screenshot link for further clarification: https://prnt.sc/CwofdtRz5KYD
Header Space :
You can configure the Header Space Removal setting option in the PDF output settings.
Header space remove Screenshot link: https://prnt.sc/9E4mBkYr4Pim
PDF OUTPUT Screenshot link: https://prnt.sc/p6C1pVk8ntWs
Thank you,