Hi Fabian,
Any word that you specify as a tag under your posts will appear into the cloud (Post tags content). This is the standard way blog words go there. You and/or your visitors can add words into the cloud in two more ways:
1. Any link, which is put in the comments, can become a tag by adding an widget instance on the comments page and including Page/Post Links type of content in it. The plugin will get all links from that page and rotate them as tags.
2. If your site/wp theme allows visitors to add important words by saving them on the server into data base, then your PHP code may extract them from that data base (during loading a page) and puts them in a specific HTML div container. Then if you add the ID of that div container into the field “Custom Container ID” (Page/Post Links Cloud section) you will get the desired result. The same can be organized for searches if your php code creates data base of the searched words.