Home / Fixing WordPress / Can one do backups
20 years ago
Would appreciate if one can do backups to the site with wordpress
(@nuclearmoose) is one way to accomplish this.
You can easily make backups of your database (where your posts are stored). Ask your hosting provider if you have access to phpmyadmin. Then log in and go to export. Pretty simple.
You’re fast, Moose.
Thank you kindly for your reply
That link doesn’t really tell me about how to find this phpmyadmin stuff.
Where exactly am I logging in to?
phpmyadmin should be on your server. it’s what lets you modify your sql databse.
well how do i get to it?
most likely through your server admin panel. check in there.
I get these arcane directions from my server:
WTF is an SSH account?
I can’t get PuTTY to connect.
on putty, make sure your protocal is ssh and not telnet.
your ssh account should just be similar to your ftp account?