• I revert my wp site (file and database) to a earlier commit. However, when I need to undo this revert, I was not able to do so. The error message I get is “Cheatin’ uh?” and that is all.

    ### Begin System Info ###

    — WordPress Configuration

    Site URL:
    Home URL:
    Multisite: No
    Version: 4.4
    Language: en_US
    Table Prefix: Length: 3
    WP_DEBUG: Enabled
    Memory Limit: 128M

    — Revisr Configuration

    Plugin Version: 2.0.2
    Automatic Backups: Enabled
    Auto-Push: Disabled
    Auto-Pull: Disabled
    Import checkouts: Enabled
    Import pulls: Enabled
    Work Tree: /var/www/html/wordpress
    Git Dir: /var/www/html/wordpress/.git
    Repository Detected: true
    Repository Writable: true

    — Server Configuration

    Operating System: Linux
    PHP Version: 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.13
    MySQL Version: 5.5.46
    Git Version: git version 1.9.1
    Git Install Path: /usr/bin/git
    MySQL Install Path: /usr/bin/mysql
    Server Software: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)
    Server User: www-data

    — PHP Configuration

    Safe Mode: Disabled
    Exec Enabled: Enabled
    Memory Limit: 256M
    Upload Max Size: 32M
    Post Max Size: 10M
    Upload Max Filesize: 32M
    Time Limit: 120
    Max Input Vars: 1000
    Display Errors: N/A

    — WordPress Active Plugins

    bbPress: 2.5.8
    Booking Calendar: 6.0
    BuddyPress: 2.4.3
    Contact Form 7: 4.3.1
    EventON: 2.3.10
    LayerSlider WP: 5.6.2
    myCRED: 1.6.7
    Ninja Forms: 2.9.33
    Revisr: 2.0.2
    Shortcodes Ultimate: 4.9.9
    Slideshow: 2.3.1
    Tag Pages: 1.0
    Vibe Course Module:
    Vibe Custom Types:
    Vibe ShortCodes:
    WooCommerce: 2.4.12
    WooCommerce Checkout Manager: 3.6.8
    WPBakery Visual Composer: 4.7.4
    WPLMS Assignments:
    WPLMS Customizer Plugin: 1.0
    WPLMS Dashboard:
    WPLMS EventOn: 1.3.1
    WPLMS Front End:
    WPLMS MyCred ADDON: 1.3.7
    WP Log Viewer: 1.0.0

    — WordPress Inactive Plugins

    Akismet: 3.1.6
    BuddyPress for LearnDash: 1.0.5
    Duplicator: 1.1.0
    Groups: 1.9.1
    Paid Memberships Pro:
    WordPress Reset: 1.3.3

    ### End System Info ###


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