• Hello,

    I made a site with monthly subscriptions in which users should be deleted after a refund. Unfortunalety after every refund I see the same log message about it

    “Skipping (demote|delete) Member. Your configuration dictates that s2Member should NOT take any immediate action on an EOT associated with a Partial Refund. An s2Member API Notification will still be processed however.”

    even though I made a full refund.

    I tried selecting “Full Refunds, Partial Refunds, Reversals (these ALWAYS trigger an Immediate EOT action)” on “Refunds/Partial Refunds/Reversals (trigger Immediate EOT)?” select option, but after saving the settings this options changes to “Reversals (chargebacks only; ALWAYS trigger an Immediate EOT action)”.

    I am not sure why can’t I choose Partial Refund or why Full Refund doesn’t count as “Full” and only as “Partial”.
    If someone has an answer to it please let me know.


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