Thank you for the detailed explaination.
May I know if your other admin is the one who installed WordPress on your website?
If so, then you won’t be able to block him/her because we have prevented blocking of the Administrator who installs WordPress on website. We have blocked it because generally Administrator who installs the WordPress is main Administrator of that website and hence the other Administrators should not be able to block him. And by doing so we are also preserving at least one user who will always have access to Edit Lock Settings and all theme/plugin editors.
Suppose there is one Admin A who blocks the Admin B (who installed WordPress) and now if Admin A’s account is removed from the website, then after that Admin B will never ever have access to editors and he can’t even unlock himself. To avoid these kind of situations we are preventing blocking of that Administrator.
What we would suggest is if you want to block that Administrator, then change the password of his account.(so he won’t have access to that admin account). Then create a new administrator account for him and block Editor access for that account. Editor Lock will recognize the newly created account and will also allow you to block that admin account because that admin won’t be the one who installed WordPress.