Hi, I seem to have a similar issue with https://www.interlinguals.com
When trying to add a parameter, it will give me a ‘loading’ icon, no matter what parameter, text or value I enter.
Also. within the WP Admin ( https://www.interlinguals.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=toeoptions#toe_opt_productFieldsTab ) , only the tabs ‘General’, ‘Payments’ and ‘All Modules’ are loading. The other 12 tabs, from ‘Templates’ up to ‘Shipping’ are showing the loading icon, without any result.
I was using Version, uploaded to Version but that one didn’t allow me to enter any of the Options pages or to do anything after clicking the ‘Start using plugin’ button on the initial screen after having installed.
I am trying to follow the steps enabling developers console on chrome, but as I am not a developer I have no idea how to remove a code in the output.
I had a programmer to create a child theme. Is that the cause of the problem and does Ready Ecommerce plugin not work with a child theme?
Any help is much appreciated!