No, the plugin pulls the translations from the svn. The svn is where all the translation files are held.
The svn is a repository and they are voluntarily updated by users. When someone comes across something new that needs to be translated they will do it.
When the translation is edited or added to then there will be an update to the version number. If the translation you are looking for hasn’t been updated since a certain version(ie Polish hasn’t been updated since 3.3) then it will hold a tag within the file stating it’s for v3.3. BUT, there aren’t many changes that need to take place to keep it up to date with the current version of the actual WP system. I’d say 99% of the time there is no need to update the mo/po files when they update the core of WP.
Give it a go…search backwards through the version numbers in the drop down until you find the most recent version of the mo/po files for your language. You’ll be ok…promise.
Tells you all about the svn repository