• After install the pluggin, i try to use it in my localhost post. and try to insert in post (using editor bmo icon). But when I preview it. only the scroll come out and no have image. Then i try to use inspect element on the image unseen and found strange code path like this:

    src=”https://localhost/myblog/wp-content\gallery\artist/thumbs/thumbs_rihanna.jpg” alt=”rihanna” title=” “>

    and i realize that the problem is the backslash on:

    can somebody tell me how to fix this? It seem it is coded at thegallery.php.

    please help. Thanks.


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  • Thread Starter Anthony_Hassan


    i think at this one code, but i no have idea to fix it.

    $path = $picture->path;
    /*bmo: if(preg_match(‘/^\\/wp-content/’, $path)==0){//prüfe ob der pfad etwas vor /wp-content enth?lt
    $newpath = preg_split(‘/\\/wp-content/i’, $path, 2);
    $path = “/wp-content”.$newpath[1];

    need some body help this one.

    I have the same problem.
    I push BMo button, I select gallery, I select Show mode (bottom) but I only can see seven thumbnails and the scroll bar (gallery has at least 20 pics). No one “big” photo is displayed neither box appears.

    Text is
    [BMo_scrollGallery id=340 sG_thumbPosition=bottom sG_images=1 ]


    I really need help




    i got same problem…..bmo expo showing just few thumbnails and no bigger diplay…. first was ok but then suddenly turns to that error…
    i try to re-install bmo expo and no better….
    only thing i cy say is that problem start after i made new gallery in nextgen and upload 38 pictures there…then wanna use that gallery in bmo expo and problems is here….



    ok i find whats wrong in my case…
    first i was deactivate all plugins and activate back one by one..
    problem was with plugin WordPress protection-lite with activate text selection…if i set not to disable text selection bmo expo running well :=)



    Thanks dmrK.

    I have never installed the Protection lite. I have not plugins with text protection.

    Maybe the wordpress version (4.1.1)?

    I’m searching some plugin like nextgen, Flash player is going to dead.
    I try to install again BMo with same results. I only can display thumbnails.

    I’ll continue searching.



    hi =)

    I got latest wordpress 4.1.1 and using bmo expo with nextgen gallery.
    I change that protection with some other and now is ok.
    Maybe you can try same as me. Deactivate all plugins and try to find with what yours go wrong…



    Hi again,
    I’ve deactivate one by one all plugins without sucess.

    I’ve tried with others sliders plugins but again have some fails.

    Do you know another one like BMo?


    I’ve installed again BMo.

    Problems still presents.

    Now I’ve detected a new one. Only seven thumbnails appears, and the gallery has got more. Gallery was uploaded in zip mode and nextgen plugin works properly, but I need some plugin without Flash Player (nextgen with slide mode works with flash).

    Wathever selection (thumbnails on top, bottom, right,etc…) Lightbox etc.. has no effect. Always only appear a bar and seven thumbnails.


    yes i had exactly same problem. only 7 little thumbnails was visible.
    try to use only 2 plugins: nextgen, couse you need for gallery and bmo expo. then clear all caches, refresh and see if work. If will work then activate other plugins one by one back again, refresh and see which is problematic…. …..

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