Hello fresh222 (@fresh222),
I review the video you shared and observed the problem.
When I visited the page you need help with, I noticed that the chatbot was able to scroll.
I asked one question, but, was not able to ask a second one.
Perhaps you’re working on something behind the scenes.
You might want to try setting the Chatbot Width Setting to “Wide” on the main Settings page of the Chatbot ChatGPT Settings.
I’m looking into why the chatbot-chatgpt-submit button takes up so much space. When I inspect the page, I can see that the width of the button is set to 100%. I think your theme maybe seeting the width: 100%. Since I’m not setting it.
We may need to add some custom css to make sure that with of the chatbot-chatgpt-submit button is fixed at 25% or so.
In the css file wp-content > plugins > chatbot-chatgpt > assets > css > chatbot-chatgpt.css find this section and add
width: 20%;
chatbot-chatgpt-submit {
background-color: #f1f1f1 !important;
/* color: #fff; */
border: none;
border-radius: 3px;
padding: 6px 6px;
margin-left: 3px;
cursor: pointer;
width: 20%;
In the second image (above) it looks like the scroll bar is working as expected.