• hello. I’m trying to publish a post from site A to site B using Python and the Rest API.

    Both sites are using the Gutenberg editor by default, but when I publish using the Rest API, I get published in the classic editor.

    As a result, things like the gallery block used in Gutenberg don’t display properly.

    Is there any way to publish with the Rest API while keeping the Gutenberg blocks?


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  • Moderator bcworkz


    The API doesn’t know nor care what editor is used. If your posts appear in a classic or custom HTML block when opened for editing, it means there’s something about the post content that Gutenberg doesn’t like.

    In the phpMyAdmin app, compare a post published by your Python script against a post with similar content published directly from Gutenberg on the same site. Any differences in content will need to be corrected to be Gutenberg compatible.

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