Hi Martin,
Thanks for your response! I’ll consider trying out the development version for the next cforms table I plan to create. In the meantime, I got my original form up and running using your plugin by taking the following steps (I include this in case others with absurdly long field names run into this issue):
1. Get rid of all commas in my field names (perhaps not very grammatically correct, but not the end of the world)
2. Move any html syntax towards the end of the field name. There seems to be a character cutoff in cforms in terms of what it considers the field name, so I figured what the cutoff was by looking at the “Tracking” area of the cforms plugin and then made sure it didn’t include any html syntax.
3. Figure out where each field name is cut off and reproducing the field name exactly (making sure the number of spaces between sentences are exactly as input in form settings).
In the end, for this form, I end up with a shortcode that looks like this:
[cformstable form=’Application for UCLA Outreach Visit’ display=’table’ vars=’Date,First Name,Last Name,Email Address,Phone Number,School or Organization Name,School Address,Would this be a UCLA-based event or a school visit?,If you are requesting a UCLA-based event can you provide your own transportation?,Is your request date specific?,Please select a date for your outreach event. To get a better idea of when volunteers might be avai,Please select a second date for your outreach event. This option will only be used if we cannot acco,What is your preferred start time? Please specify AM or PM.,Please include any additional availability details that may help us to better accommodate your event,How many students would be participating in the event?,What is the age/grade of the students in your group?,How long would you like the outreach program to last? Programs are typically between 1 and 3 hours.,Which activities would you like to see? To access a detailed list of the available activities click,If required will you be able to provide:,Are you a Title 1 school?,If you are not a Title 1 school what other information can you provide about the diversity of your s,Is there anything else we should know about your school or students? Let us know if your students a,If our program is not suited to your schedule or event what type of outreach did you have in mind?’]
Anyway, a bit on the long and unwieldy side, but after a few hours of trial and error all fields display properly. This has been really useful in displaying form data on a password protected page that people I designate can access without getting access to the inner workings of our site! Thanks!