• Resolved JDK1313


    Is there a way to remove the search area from the header? It makes the header too big and white on my website. kathrynskitchenblog.com


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  • khansalman


    HI Cathy,

    You can go to header.php file in your theme folder and you can remove this command from your header.php.

    Hope this will resolve your problem ??

    <div id=”header-right” class=”header-sidebar”>
    <aside id=”search-box”><!–start of #search-box –>
    <form method=”get” id=”searchform” class=”searchform” action=”https://kathrynskitchenblog.com/&#8221; role=”search”>
    <label for=”s” class=”screen-reader-text”>Search</label>
    <input type=”search” class=”field” name=”s” value=”” id=”s” placeholder=”Search …”>

    </aside><!– end of #search-box –>



    Best I can advise before you do this.

    Inpsect it with FIrebug and remove it from there and check it if you like or not.

    If you feel its good for you then you can remove it from header.php



    It’s really not a good idea to modify theme files directly – changes like this should be made in a child theme so that they are not lost when the theme is updated.




    Wpyogi has a valid point.

    If you are using Child theme then you need to remove it from there but if you are using parent theme the you need to remove it from there.



    @jdk1313 – a simpler way to remove that is to use Custom CSS to hide it – if your theme doesn’t have a custom CSS option, you can use a plugin such as Custom CSS Manager. Then add this code to that new section in your Dashboard:

    #search-box {
        display: none;
    Theme Author Manish Suwal ‘Enwil’


    Hey @jdk1313

    You don’t need touch any code or do anything else as mentioned above.

    Just follow these instructions:
    1) Go to your website Dashboard.
    2) Go to Appearance -> Theme Options
    3) There is a option called ‘Enable Searchbar?’, click on No.

    This will remove the search bar from the header.

    Hope it helps!

    Thread Starter JDK1313


    Thank you everyone for the advice! And I did find it in the theme options, thanks again!

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