• Is it possible for “Work” to stay highlighted when one of the child subcategories (and when one of the posts in a subcategory) is selected?

    My current code is below.

        			<?php wp_list_categories("exclude=$blog_ID&title_li="); ?>

    Any thoughts on the php/css needed? Here’s the site: https://www.newsite.blairshapiro.com

    Been wrestling with it and just can’t figure it out.


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  • what does ‘seleceted’ and ‘highlighted’ mean? ??

    Thread Starter xiabolai


    Is this an english grammar forum or a wordpress forum?

    Have you nothing more constructive for me?

    no. i am just not native english speaker and i wanted that you explain me what does those words means.

    selected in what meaning? selceted by mouse (mouse button down, drag mouse pointer, button release), selected by clicking, selected in meaning that you click on something and page is reloaded already.

    the same with higlighted.

    but i think you don’t have to answer ?? i am not interested in helping you. not good because every day i spend voluntary about one hour replaying on others question (look at my profile). i just wanted that you clarify what you need. now i don’t want anything from you ?? bye, i hope someone else will answer for you question. if nobody will do this, read this https://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html and try to ask again

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  • The topic ‘Categories parent menu item issue..help!!’ is closed to new replies.