We only edit posts if there’s a valid privacy/security concern. The link you posted is behind your site’s login and poses no security there.
Per the handbook:
We reserve the right to delete topics or posts that are off-topic or detrimental to the community, however it is not the general policy to edit or delete forum posts unless they are spam, harassing, illegal, or outright abuse. We will not delete a post or remove a link just because an Internet search for a term brings up the forums first.
Users can edit a post for up to 60 minutes from the time of submission. After that, the post can only be edited by a moderator.
When a post is made and people contribute answers to an issue, that then becomes part of the community resource for others to benefit from and deleting posts removes this added value.
Forum topics will only be edited or deleted at the discretion of the moderators if they represent a valid legal, security, or safety concern.
Don’t post things that aren’t 100% okay to be public. We’ll delete them if we agree it’s a big enough deal, but ‘My SEO!’ is never an acceptable reason.