• cag8f


    Hello. I built a WordPress site for a client, and would like to include it in my personal portfolio site. Specifically, the WordPress site is currently online. But I would like to save a static version of the site (it has ~10 total pages) and host it on a sub-directory of my personal portfolio site, then completely remove the WordPress site
    Would your plugin be able to do this for me?

    I see you mention the WP2Static plugin. What are the main differences between that plugin and yours?

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  • Hi @cag8f,

    Author of WP2Static here. Simply Static is…. simpler ??

    Sorry, it does a really good job and will work for most sites. WP2Static was originally more like this but now has a lot more features and can be better or worse on different sites.

    What you’re looking to do should be possible. Set your target URL for exporting to the final URL, ie myportfolio.com/staticsite/.

    Rather than completely deleting your original WP site, I recommend taking a backup of both the files and database, just in case you ever want to bring it back to life. ZIP them up and stick on some storage for that rainy day.

    But yes, once you’ve generated the static site, it has no link back to your original WordPress site, so you should be able to kill it. I’d start with a soft-kill first, make sure than there are no URLs in the static site that failed to be rewritten and still link back to your live WP site. (quick check can be done by opening up the browser console > Network tab and making sure no 404’s).

    Realize this is an old question, but in case you’re still contemplating or for anyone else considering this type of site archival.



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