• I’ve found the best way to keep my show notes for my podcasts tidy and searchable is to use WordPress. Each podcast has its own domain:

    (There are about 6 offhand without counting)

    The podcast group itself has a main blog

    I sometimes post group-specific stuff to the global blog and not the show blogs because it may be something like a website revamp or something like that.

    What I’d like to do is take all the posts from each show blog/domain and have them automatically copy over (and hopefully update to) the global blog.

    So if I finish a show and post it to KoreNews.com, it’ll show up at KoreGlobal.com (there can be an hour or day delay if necessary). If I misspell something on my latest post at KoreNews.com, it’ll update KoreGlobal.com appropriately.

    I know this could be accomplished with categories and redirects to a category listing, etc and that’s not what I’m looking for. I want to brand the domains to get listeners used to going to the domains themselves, not KoreGlobal.com/archives/category/kore-news.

    Is there such a plugin or something out there like this?

    I appreciate you reading all this and giving it a shot.

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  • Sorry! Just throwing a few ideas out, but I’m sure others will have better suggestions. I don’t think either do actually answer your question, but hopefully might be a springboard for others as well.

    WordPress MU
    How to: multiple blogs, one WordPress

    Look for Syndication plugins, such as FeedWordPress. They can pull feeds from other sources into your main blog as posts.

    The content thieves love ’em, but there are indeed valid uses for such tools.

    Thanks HandySolo! ?? Now I know how some of those random sites also seem to have the really very unimportant content from my blog :p

    Thread Starter waltsnider


    Thanks, Solo. I installed FreeWordPress and it works great!

    Question: Now that I know people can syndicate my posts for other blogs, is there a way to disallow * with the exception of KoreGlobal.com?

    Either way, I really appreciate the help!

    Question: Now that I know people can syndicate my posts for other blogs, is there a way to disallow * with the exception of KoreGlobal.com?

    That’s pretty much the holy grail for some folks… You don’t want to do anything that steps on your subscribed readers using the same feed.

    I don’t have any great suggestions.

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