can i add a post with background image
I would like to know that can i add a background image in the particular post as we use to do in MS-WORD?
If yes,How?
Please Help me out.Thanks
It would help to know what hooks your theme’s single.php file has in order to assist you. Site URL and example post URL you want to add background image to?
and Are there different ways to add background image in different themes?
Actually, there are different ways to add background image in any theme – conditional statements, functions, etc. The simplest and more dynamic way is by adding body_class.
Thank you for the link. I needed to know if your theme had body_class applied to it or not. There was none. So open header.php of your theme with text editor.
– Find<body>
– Replace with<body <?php body_class(); ?>>
What this does is generate specific body clases for different posts and pages so you could style anything, not only background, throughout the theme.
Reference: for your about page e.g. you add this in your style.css
– different background for body
body.about { background: #000000 url(images/newimageuploaded.jpg); }
– different background for posted text
body.about .postwrap {background: #000066 url(images/anotherimage.jpg); }
Thanks for your help.
I have done whatever you had written.
After this how am i now able to upload some background image?“I have done whatever you had written.”
What did you do, exactly? Adding the body class function?“After this how am i now able to upload some background image? “
Upload image via FTP or cpanel to theme’s images directory in server.
Or, go to your admin dashboard, Media > Add New and upload the image. After uploading, copy the directory path/link to your image and paste it in in url(putURLhere)Although I have replaced body with <body <?php body_class(); ?>> in header.php
and then add
– different background for body
body.about { background: #000000 url(images/newimageuploaded.jpg); }
– different background for posted text
body.about .postwrap {background: #000066 url(images/anotherimage.jpg); }in style.css
The styling for body.about and body.about .postwrap were just examples of what you can do. Please delete those lines from your style.css
Now, what exactly do you want to do with the Be-The-Change-Gandhi-0507.jpg ? Where do you want to place the image? Place the image sitewide or in specific Page or Post only?
M really very stupid..lolz
Actually I want to use some other image in a post and that post I am going to publish only if I am able to use some image as a backgroundActually I am going to write about nature and want to use some nature iamge in the background of that particular post only not all.
sach_238, looking at page source of your site, you have not replaced
with<body <?php body_class(); ?>>
in your header.php. After you add the new body class function, save header.php and upload it back to server in your theme’s folder.Also, something’s getting lost in translation. So for the meantime, let’s take this page as an example –
note – if you have a specific page, post the exact link here.
Where exactly in the post do you want a background image to appear?I have replaced it already and its saved properly as I just check it out through FTP client.
I would like to add this image:- as background
in the post:-
Although i have changed the theme as i wasnt able to control myself from posting.So,I posted that.But stil I would like to learn.So Please help me by taking the above example.
Thanksin the post:- you have the following body class generated – see View > Page Source in browser
<body class="single postid-216">
So if you want to add a special background to that specific post and not all the single post pages, this is what you’ll add in your theme’s style.css: { background: #eee url( top center no-repeat; }Note:
1. in your current theme, the blocks for the header, content and sidebar do not have background images or color so you will see the background image you placed for that post.
2. To make sure that your background image resizes along with the screen size, you need some javascript.
– This tutorial for one background image for whole site (you would have to add image inline)
– Google for javascript solutions so you can resize multiple background images on the fly for different posts/pages. Different strokes for different folks ??I have added:- { background: #eee url( top center no-repeat; }
in theme’s style.css.But no background is showing up:(
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