• Hi Guys,

    I have a catalog with 30 products ordered by categories.
    those products also uses 2 custom fields. Supplier and Volume.
    Here is my problem:
    When i select one of the values of the supplier custom field its narrows my results. the problem is that the other custom field (Volume) still shows its original options. it doesn’t narrows down with accordance to the actual results.

    i have 30 products. after selecting certain supplier my catalog results narrowed to 10 products. the custom field name ‘volume’ still shows 30 options to choose from instead of 10…

    Any ideas?


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  • Hi,

    Unfortunately the catalogue does not offer the ability to update the sidebar dynamically. We can keep this mind for a future update, but it is not a feature that we have currently in development.

    Sorry about that, but thanks for the suggestion!

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