Can contacts unsubscribe to ONLY one list?
Regarding the unsubscribe links located at the bottom of the emails sent out to contacts, there appears to be no way for contacts to unsubscribe to specific lists, they can only unsubscribe to all lists.
- It appears the ‘Manage Email Subscription’ link takes the user to a page that only allows them to update their contact information (name, email, etc) and not manage the lists they are subscribed to.
And the ‘Unsubscribe’ link will unsubscribe the user from all lists. So there appears to be no feature to allow contacts to only opt-out of specific lists; it’s all or nothing.
Is this how the plugin was designed or does this plugin allow contacts to manage the specific lists they are subscribed to? If this is not a feature included in the plugin, may I suggest adding this feature to the development queue? It’s doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just a way for the user to add/remove themself to/from a list. Because missing this feature is a huge drawback of using this plugin because it could eventually affect my ROI.
and if this is a feature already included, could you point me to the doc article URL please. Because I searched the docs on the plugins main site and couldn’t find anything on the ‘Manage Email Subscription’ feature.
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