• I was wondering if a different template can be used for certain pages within a WordPress site. Is this possible? Or am I limited to using just one template throughout the site?


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  • You can create different custom Page templates and apply them on an ad-hoc basis.

    I have qurstion : how can apply a custom theme for a single page? the filter template is not working .. I’m attaching the code below

    Plugin Name: ThemeSelect_OOPS_NEW
    Plugin URI:
    Description: This will allow admin chose a theme for a new page
    Version: 0.0.1
    Author URI:
    License: GPL
    class ThemeSelect
    	function ThemeSelect()
    		add_filter('template', array(&$this,'get_post_template'));
    		add_filter('stylesheet', array(&$this,'get_post_stylesheet'));
    	function add_theme_box() /* Adds a custom field to set theme */
    	if( function_exists( 'add_meta_box' ))
    		add_meta_box( 'theme', 'Select Theme',array(&$this, 'show_theme_selector'),'page','normal', 'high');
    	function show_theme_selector($post)  /* Loads the select menu for the theme selector*/
    		echo "<select name=\"thm\">";
    		foreach($themes as $theme)
    		{ ?>
    			<option value="<?php echo $theme['Name']; ?>" <?php if($default_theme==$theme['Name']) echo "selected=\"selected\""; ?>> <?php echo $theme['Title']; ?> </option>
    	<?php   }
    		echo "</select>";
    	function save_theme($postid)
    			$themedata = $_POST['thm'];
    			//if(get_post_meta($postid,'theme', true)=="")
    			//	add_post_meta($postid,'theme',$themedata);
    		//	else
    		//	{
    		//	}
    function get_post_template($template='')
    	global $post;
    	$sel_theme = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'theme', true);
    		$template = stripslashes($theme['Template']);
    	return $template;
     function get_post_stylesheet($stylesheet='')
     	global $post;
     	$sel_theme = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'theme', true);
     		$stylesheet = stripslashes($theme['Stylesheet']);
     	return $stylesheet;
    $theme_select=new ThemeSelect();

    Any idea?

    If you aren’t use this plugin, you can styling your template be yourself..
    For example: u’r make a different header and then put this on your single.php with this code:
    <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/different-header.php'); ?>

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