I have two different calendars on my site.
I seems that one calendar, which has mostly events with a fixed time, starts correctly from today.
The other calendar that contains only all-day-events starts yesterday instead of today.
Maybe that is what makes the difference?
the code in the event builder is
? [event-title]
[if-all-day] [/if-all-day]
[if-not-all-day][start-time] – [end-time] Uhr[/if-not-all-day]
[if-multi-day][start-date] – [end-date offset=”-10″][/if-multi-day]
[if-location] – Ort: [location][/if-location]
[if-description] – [description] [/if-description]
and in the second missbehaving calender:
Here I want to show only the description the the list.