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  • Hi Bican,

    Where are you seeing this error? What, if anything, are you attempting to do when it’s occurring?


    When trying to scan.

    Hi Bican,

    I can’t be more precise without more information, but as the error message suggests, Wordfence is attempting to connect to a server (to resolve IP addresses), but the URL it’s trying to connect to is malformed in some way or another.

    Trying to discern what’s changed on your site/host within the last month or so may be helpful.

    If you haven’t done so already, I’d suggest updating to the latest Wordfence version.


    I allways update WP and Plugins…never let them out of date. But to be honest i dont know what’s changed…i’ve reinstalled the plugin and same error. Maybe because i’m running WP beta ?

    I am getting the same errors and have been since 22 June. Could be the same issue, beta version.

    [Jul 13 12:33:43] Scan terminated with error: There was an error connecting to the the Wordfence scanning servers: cURL error 3: malformed

    • WordPress 4.6-beta2-38055
    • Wordfence Security 6.1.10

    Same date here.

    That seems to be an issue with respect to the beta version. I’ll run it by the development team and see if they have any insight.

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