So you have this container:
<div class="siteorigin-panels-stretch ..." style="color: rgb(37, 37, 37); ..." ...>
And then inside that container you have your CTA buttons:
<a ... style="color: inherit;">Case Studies</a>
Do you see what’s happening now? You’re setting the link to inherit the CSS colour of its parent element – which is a shade of grey.
]]>style="color: inherit;"
from link.
If you can’t remove inline style, then paste the below css in file
.promo-controls a.roll-button.border {
color: #5180b6 !important;
.promo-controls a.roll-button.border:hover {
color: black !important;
]]>If you’re just making CSS changes then use the “Additional CSS” part of the dashboard and do not edit the style.css file of the theme: