Call table with special filter
Hi, again me ??
Is it possible to do that :
I have a table id 1 with A,C,D,E column
I would like call ( with sortcode [table ….] ) this table BUT filter on C=”azerty”.Is it possible actually or i have to dev something, if i have to dev, what’s the best solution ?
i coded something in case we don’t have more simple way.
the code below will output a table filter on special field, this is not just a forced search filter in js.
If we filter in js, all data are still present and could be display on search or other filter of visitor, that i don’t want.For example : [table id=1 c_filter=”hello” c_filter_id=”1″]
Will output the table id=1 with only column id = “1”, and the filter “hello”
Of course the code below will have to adapt with your table.
This code could be heavy of you have a hight number of entries in your table!!
I also past part of code plug-in to not skip every others filter could be presentadd_filter( 'wp_table_reloaded_shortcode_table_overwrite', 'wp_table_reloaded_overwrite_atts',10,2 ); add_filter( 'wp_table_reloaded_load_table_overwrite', 'wp_table_custom_load',10,2 ); function wp_table_custom_load($table_id,$atts) { global $WP_Table_Reloaded_Frontend; $table_loaded = apply_filters( 'wp_table_reloaded_load_table', false, $table_id ); if ( $table_loaded ) return $table_loaded; $table_option = ( $WP_Table_Reloaded_Frontend->table_exists( $table_id ) ) ? $WP_Table_Reloaded_Frontend->tables[ $table_id ] : $WP_Table_Reloaded_Frontend->optionname['table'] . '_' . $table_id; $table = get_option( $table_option, $WP_Table_Reloaded_Frontend->default_table); //Custom filter $filter_id = $atts['c_filter_id']; $filter = trim($atts['c_filter']); $new_table = array(); $new_table_v = array(); foreach($table['data'] as $k => $v) { if(trim($v[$filter_id]) == $filter || $k == 0) { $new_table[] = $v; $new_table_v[] = $table['visibility']['row'][$k]; } } $table['data'] = $new_table; $table['visibility']['rows'] = $new_table_v; $table = apply_filters( 'wp_table_reloaded_post_load_table', $table, $table_id ); $table = apply_filters( 'wp_table_reloaded_post_load_table_id-' . $table_id, $table ); return $table; } function wp_table_reloaded_overwrite_atts( $ret = false, $atts ) { global $WP_Table_Reloaded_Frontend; if(isset($atts['c_filter_id']) && $atts['c_filter_id'] != '') { // check, if a table with the given ID exists $table_id = $atts['id']; if ( !is_numeric( $table_id ) || 1 > $table_id || !$WP_Table_Reloaded_Frontend->table_exists( $table_id ) ) { $message = "[table \"{$table_id}\" not found /]<br />\n"; $message = apply_filters( 'wp_table_reloaded_table_not_found_message', $message, $table_id ); return $message; } // $table = $WP_Table_Reloaded_Frontend->load_table( $table_id ); $table = apply_filters( 'wp_table_reloaded_load_table_overwrite', $table_id, $atts ); // check for table data if ( empty( $table['data'] ) ) { $message = "[table "{$table_id}" seems to be empty /]<br />\n"; $message = apply_filters( 'wp_table_reloaded_table_empty_message', $message, $table_id ); return $message; } $rows = count( $table['data'] ); $columns = count( $table['data'][0] ); // explode from string to array $atts['column_widths'] = ( !empty( $atts['column_widths'] ) ) ? explode( '|', $atts['column_widths'] ) : array(); // add all rows/columns to array if "all" value set for one of the four parameters // rows/columns are indexed from 0 internally, but from 1 externally, thus substract 1 from each value $actions = array( 'show', 'hide' ); $elements = array( 'rows', 'columns' ); foreach ( $actions as $action ) { foreach ( $elements as $element ) { if ( !empty( $atts["{$action}_{$element}"] ) ) { if ( 'all' == $atts["{$action}_{$element}"] ) $atts["{$action}_{$element}"] = range( 1, ${$element} + 1 ); // because second comment above else $atts["{$action}_{$element}"] = explode( ',', $atts["{$action}_{$element}"] ); foreach ( $atts["{$action}_{$element}"] as $key => $value ) $atts["{$action}_{$element}"][ $key ] = (string) ( $value - 1 ); } else { $atts["{$action}_{$element}"] = array(); } } } // determine options to use (if set in Shortcode, use those, otherwise use options from DB, i.e. "Edit Table" screen) $output_options = array(); foreach ( $atts as $key => $value ) { // have to check this, because strings 'true' or 'false' are not recognized as boolean! if ( is_array( $value ) ) $output_options[ $key ] = $value; elseif ( 'true' == strtolower( $value ) ) $output_options[ $key ] = true; elseif ( 'false' == strtolower( $value ) ) $output_options[ $key ] = false; else $output_options[ $key ] = ( -1 !== $value ) ? $value : $table['options'][ $key ] ; } // generate unique HTML ID, depending on how often this table has already been shown on this page $count = ( isset( $WP_Table_Reloaded_Frontend->shown_tables[ $table_id ] ) ) ? $WP_Table_Reloaded_Frontend->shown_tables[ $table_id ] : 0; $count = $count + 1; $WP_Table_Reloaded_Frontend->shown_tables[ $table_id ] = $count; $output_options['html_id'] = "wp-table-reloaded-id-{$table_id}-no-{$count}"; $output_options['html_id'] = apply_filters( 'wp_table_reloaded_html_id', $output_options['html_id'], $table_id ); // get options for the JavaScript library from the table's options $js_options = array ( 'alternating_row_colors' => $output_options['alternating_row_colors'], 'datatables_sort' => $output_options['datatables_sort'], 'datatables_paginate' => $output_options['datatables_paginate'], 'datatables_paginate_entries' => $output_options['datatables_paginate_entries'], 'datatables_lengthchange' => $output_options['datatables_lengthchange'], 'datatables_filter' => $output_options['datatables_filter'], 'datatables_info' => $output_options['datatables_info'], 'datatables_tabletools' => $output_options['datatables_tabletools'], 'datatables_customcommands' => $output_options['datatables_customcommands'] ); $js_options = apply_filters( 'wp_table_reloaded_table_js_options', $js_options, $table_id, $output_options ); // eventually add this table to list of tables which have a JS library enabled and thus are to be included in the script's call in the footer if ( $output_options['use_tablesorter'] && $output_options['first_row_th'] && 1 < $rows ) $WP_Table_Reloaded_Frontend->tablesorter_tables[] = array ( 'table_id' => $table_id, 'html_id' => $output_options['html_id'], 'js_options' => $js_options ); // generate "Edit Table" link $edit_url = ''; if ( is_user_logged_in() && $WP_Table_Reloaded_Frontend->options['frontend_edit_table_link'] ) { $user_group = $WP_Table_Reloaded_Frontend->options['user_access_plugin']; $capabilities = array( 'admin' => 'manage_options', 'editor' => 'publish_pages', 'author' => 'publish_posts', 'contributor' => 'edit_posts' ); $min_capability = isset( $capabilities[ $user_group ] ) ? $capabilities[ $user_group ] : 'manage_options'; $min_capability = apply_filters( 'wp_table_reloaded_min_needed_capability', $min_capability ); if ( current_user_can( $min_capability ) ) { $admin_menu_page = $WP_Table_Reloaded_Frontend->options['admin_menu_parent_page']; $admin_menu_page = apply_filters( 'wp_table_reloaded_admin_menu_parent_page', $admin_menu_page ); // backward-compatibility for the filter if ( 'top-level' == $admin_menu_page ) $admin_menu_page = 'admin.php'; // 'edit-pages.php' was renamed to 'edit.php?post_type=page' in WP 3.0 if ( 'edit-pages.php' == $admin_menu_page ) $admin_menu_page = 'edit.php?post_type=page'; if ( !in_array( $admin_menu_page, $WP_Table_Reloaded_Frontend->possible_admin_menu_parent_pages ) ) $admin_menu_page = 'tools.php'; $url_params = array( 'page' => $WP_Table_Reloaded_Frontend->page_slug, 'action' => 'edit', 'table_id' => $table['id'] ); $edit_url = add_query_arg( $url_params, admin_url( $admin_menu_page ) ); $edit_url = esc_url( $edit_url ); } } $output_options['edit_table_url'] = $edit_url; // check if table output shall and can be loaded from the transient cache, otherwise generate the output $cache_name = "wp_table_reloaded_table_output_{$table_id}"; if ( !$output_options['cache_table_output'] || is_user_logged_in() || ( false === ( $output = get_transient( $cache_name ) ) ) ) { // render/generate the table HTML $render = $WP_Table_Reloaded_Frontend->create_class_instance( 'WP_Table_Reloaded_Render', 'render.class.php' ); $render->output_options = apply_filters( 'wp_table_reloaded_frontend_output_options', $output_options, $table['id'], $table ); $render->table = $table; $output = $render->render_table(); if ( $output_options['cache_table_output'] && !is_user_logged_in() ) set_transient( $cache_name, $output, 60*60*24 ); // store $output in a transient, set cache timeout to 24 hours } return $output; } return false; } add_filter( 'wp_table_reloaded_shortcode_table_default_atts', 'wp_table_reloaded_add_atts',10,1 ); function wp_table_reloaded_add_atts($atts) { $atts['c_filter_id'] = ''; $atts['c_filter'] = ''; return $atts; }
this is actually already possible, with a plugin extension. Your work looks good, too, though.
You can find more at (and the introduction at ). For TablePress, the designated and official successor of WP-Table Reloaded, you can find the code at (It actually has more features there, like the column that you can filter on, and whether it shall do exact matching).
TobiasThanks you, i will check later for the last version of your plugin and the new one ??
great ?? I hope you like it!
Best wishes,
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