+1 for Image commenting! This will be a huge improvement for social engagement. Would love to see support for wpDiscuz which is by far the #1 rated comment plugin for WordPress. It allows AJAX posting/editing/deleting, has an option for shortcode [wpdiscuz_comments], and loads where comment_form() function is used. It natively supports media pages. Hundreds of other unmentioned settings.
– Support for Da Reactions. The ability to react to photos and photo comments would be a dream come true! Da Reactions out of the box supports reactions to posts, attachments, comments, and attachment comments! They have an API along with shortcode support. Of all the WP reaction plugins it’s the best!
– Ability to display data from image attributes via jQuery or hook. I have information such as author, upload date, and custom fields in attributes.
– Option for single click/touch to zoom into image. It’s so much more enjoyable than double click.
The roadmap above looks great and the display of firelight lightbox is one of the best! Looking forward to it. ??
Warm regards,