• Plugin Author xnau webdesign


    I am very close to releasing a huge upgrade to the plugin and I am inviting those who wish to test the beta release to download it and send me bug or problem reports.

    I will not be providing troubleshooting support for this release!

    This means if something goes wrong, I will not help you fix it. I will incorporate any fixes into another beta release, and your problem will probably be solved by installing that release.

    Please post any bug or problem reports to this thread only, don’t open a new topic. I don’t want beta test conversations confusing regular users. Thank you.

    Do not use this release on a production (live) site, unless you don’t care if it’s broken. Since I am not providing support for this release, if you do install this on a production site and something goes wrong, I want to hear about it, but I will not troubleshoot it for you. See below for a way to have two versions of the plugin installed (but not active) at the same time.

    The only support I will offer for this release is explaining how to use the new features. The documentation is not complete, I’m working on it now, so please post on this thread any questions you have about how things work. That way, other beta testers can see the information.

    Please post on this thread any problems you encounter, and any questions you have about how things are different. There have been a lot of changes and new features added.

    To test the beta release, first backup your site and database, then go to the plugin repository and download the “1.5” version of the plugin and put it into your plugins directory. (don’t download the “trunk,” it’s broken)

    If you need more explanation than that, you’re probably not a good beta test subject. Sorry, but I need to get this released and I don’t want to spend time explaining basic things.

    You can have both versions of the plugin installed at the same time, just be sure to first deactivate the current plugin, then rename the directory (something like “participants-database-” will be fine) then, once you have both plugins in the plugin directory, you can choose which one to use by deactivating the one you don’t want to use and then activating the one you do. You can tell which one it is by looking at the version number in the plugin description. Don’t try to have more than one install of the plugin active at the same time, your site will crash and you’ll have to figure out how to deactivate the plugin on a broken site. Just don’t do it.

    I will post additional information on this thread as needed.

    Finally, thank you very much for your help!

    Any language translators should contact me @ “support AT xnau.com”


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  • Thanks very much for you work… It helps me ! Just a small bug corrected in the file FormElement.class.php at line 475-477 the built link for the files (file-upload field) is broken (for edit-participant admin page) it’s actually using the wp_upload_dir() that is the wrong page. I put the line
    $field->link = get_bloginfo('url') .'/'.Participants_Db::$plugin_options['image_upload_location'] . $field->value; instead and it’s better now ??


    Plugin Author xnau webdesign


    Good catch…thanks!

    PHP Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property: Participants_Db::$css_prefix in /public_html/wp-content/themes/newstyle/templates/pdb-single-default.php on line 31

    When trying to use templates, even just copy-pasting your default templates to the styles dir.

    And check your e-mail for my updated translation ??

    participants-database/classes/PDb_Signup.class.php on line 296 : Participants_Db::$plugin_options[‘primary_email_address_field’] instead of Participants_Db::$plugin_options(‘primary_email_address_field’)



    Plugin Author xnau webdesign


    See, this is what betatesting is all about. thanks!

    One note : I fixed it temporary in an ugly way that I will not post here ;-)… but a layout problem is that hidden fields are printed inside “<p>” tags and also are separated with line breaks (
    ). This put vertical spacing that could be annoying for the subscription page layout. You should consider using a special method for printing hidden field in ths signup form.

    Plugin Author xnau webdesign


    Got it. I know why that’s happening.

    Just a suggestion more : in the new version you made a test of uploaded-file and generate an error if it’s an known image format. I suggest it should be an option. In my case I want to let people upload either a PDF or a JPG file.


    Plugin Author xnau webdesign


    You can set the file types that are accepted by an upload field by putting a comma-separated list of the extensions into the “values” field of the upload field.

    Yes of course but in participants-database.php on line 2297 you test if the uploaded file is $valide_image and then return an error if it is. I think the idea of that is that we should use an image field for images… but in my case I want to accept PDF or JPG.

    Plugin Author xnau webdesign


    OK, well, the way to handle this is to allow image files to be uploaded using the “file-upload” field type. Because the plugin displays files uploaded with the ‘image-upload” type as images, there’s no point in allowing a file that can’t be displayed as an image to be uploaded that way. Also, the statement you are looking at is needed for security reasons.

    To make this change, I commented out the statement at line 2303:

    if ( $type == 'image' and !$valid_image ) {
          self::_show_validation_error( sprintf(__('For "%s", you may only upload image files like JPEGs, GIFs or PNGs.', 'participants-database'), $field_atts->title ), $name);
          return false;
    //    elseif ( $type == 'file' and $valid_image ) {
    //      self::_show_validation_error(__('The file you tried to upload is not of an allowed type.', 'participants-database'),$name);
    //      return false;
    //    }

    Hello yes it’s exactly what I did too (commenting those lines). But my suggestion is to add an option in the plugin to bypass those options, somthing like this :
    elseif ( $type == 'file' and $valid_image and !$option) {


    Plugin Author xnau webdesign


    My reasoning is a PDF cannot be displayed as an image, so you’d get broken functionality if you had PDF files uploaded as images. But maybe I am missing something…is there a specific reason you want to be able to upload PDF to an image field?

    No it’s the opposite : I try to upload an image to a file field ! So I want to put a jpg “for download” not “for display”.

    Plugin Author xnau webdesign


    Oh, OK, well that is in…the file upload field can upload any type of file now (well, it will when I update the repository)

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