Hi there,
Thanks to everyone who chimed in to voice their opinions here! I’m afraid that we don’t offer any shortcodes for embedding full-size calendars into existing posts and pages in either version of The Events Calendar. If you’d like to display any content on the main calendar page that isn’t included as part of the default template, I’d recommend taking a look at our Themer’s Guide–you’ll find plenty of info there on our template customization features that should help to get you started on making any changes you’d like!
If you’d like to see this feature implemented out-of-box for a future product release, we invite you to submit a post to feature request forum, where we gather feedback from our community. And, when you do, it would be great if you could add as much detail as possible so we have a solid idea of how the feature would work and so others can vote on it as well.
Let us know if you should have any other questions!