• teamswap


    I got the calendar working in 1.5 no problem by editing the template, but the days are now displayed Monday (M) through Sunday (S). I looked through the formating support and calendar info and could not find anything about day order. I found how to change the displayed day from a single letter (S) to abbrevaited (Sun), but that is not what I want. Anyone know how to format the day order on the calender, where it is Sunday through Saturday, not Monday through Sunday. I am sure it is simple or something that I am missing, but I do not know where to look. Thanks for any guidance you have on it.

    blog link – https://team-swap.com/wordpress/

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  • Kafkaesqui


    In WordPress, go to: Options > General, “Weeks in the calendar should start on”

    Thread Starter teamswap


    Thanks I knew it had to be something stupid that i was missing. Working great now. I appreciate it.

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