• Resolved skorzeniowski


    Hi, I found the Forminator plugin very handy but it interferes with the Event Manager plugin I use (when I disabled the latter, the problem doesn’t exist).

    The issue is that I’m unable to choose the date from the datepicker calendar pop-up using the data field – the calendar doesn’t show at all. The pop-up works in forms created by the Contact Form 7 plugin or the Event Manager plugin though.

    There are similar issues in the forum but the solution didn’t work for me, I hope you’ll find a way to help me. I’ve already tried to put the custom CSS code I pasted below.

    /*Forminator datepicker background*/
    #ui-datepicker-div.forminator-calendar--material:before {
    width: auto;

    #ui-datepicker-div {
    z-index: 9999999999999!important;
    position: absolute;
    top: 100%;

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Williams – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @szkorzonek

    I hope you’re well today!

    In this case, it’s not just a CSS issue. There’s na error showing up in browser console that confirms a conflict on a code level. Specifically, the JS library used for date picker.

    I checked our internal reports and it seems this has been already reported to us. I’m not sure yet if it is something that should be fixed on our end or in Events Manager plugin (our developers are checking it) but for now, suggested workaround would be to add this code as a Must Use plugin:

    add_filter( 'em_public_script_deps', 'wpmudev_fix_event_js_conflict', 10, 1 );
    function wpmudev_fix_event_js_conflict( $script_deps ) {
        if ( is_page( 'performer-materials-submission' ) ) { // Please use your page slug.
            unset( $script_deps['jquery-ui-datepicker'] );
        return $script_deps;

    To add it to the site:

    – create an empty file with a .php extension (e.g. “forminator-eventsmanager-patch.php”) in the “/wp-content/mu-plugins” folder of your site’s WordPress install on the server (if there’s no “mu-plugins” folder in “wp-content”, just create an empty one first)

    – copy above code and paste it into that file

    – save the file and purge all cache on site/server

    It should then work out of the box but, just to stay on the safe side, I’d recommend testing it first on some dev/staging site to make sure it fixes the issue and doesn’t break the Events Manager plugin.

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter skorzeniowski


    Hi Adam, I’m good, thank you!

    I followed your guidelines, but didn’t have luck unfortunately. Seems like adding the php file with the code mentioned before to the mu-plugins folder didn’t change anything. It’s my first time of using Must Use Plugins, so maybe I did something wrong, however your instructions were quite self explanatory.

    I hope you’ll help me finding a solution,

    Plugin Support Amin – WPMU DEV Support


    Hello @szkorzonek

    The code should work out of the box since its tested on our end and created for the exact same conflict issue.

    Could you please review these documents and try adding the code again?
    You can install it as an mu-plugin please take a look at this guide to learn how to do it:

    Once the code is implanted properly you should be able to see it in your plugins list under the mu-plugin tab.

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter skorzeniowski


    Amin, you’re right, it was my bad. I just copy-paste the code provided by Adam thoughtlessly without looking deeply into it. I should’ve changed the page slug there, now it works impeccably.

    Thanks a lot for your help! Will keep you posted if there are any more issues.

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