‘manage_options’ is a default value which Caldera Forms uses in its code for security purposes. You can grant access to Caldera Form to any role granting this capability to that role. Of course, it’s a critical capability, which give to a user too much power.
Fortunately, CF developers include possibility to change a default user capability to any other using filter ‘caldera_forms_manage_cap’:
public static function get_manage_cap( $context = 'admin', $form = false ) {
if ( is_string( $form ) ) {
$form = Caldera_Forms_Forms::get_form( $form );
* Change capability for managing Caldera Forms
* @since 1.3.1
* @param string $cap A capability. By default "manage_options"
* @param string $context Context to check in.
* @param array|null $form Form config if it was passed.
return apply_filters( 'caldera_forms_manage_cap', 'manage_options', $context, $form );
So you can add a new custom capability ‘manage_caldera_forms’ and return it instead of ‘manage_options’ using this filter:
add_filter('caldera_forms_manage_cap', 'my_caldera_caps', 10, 3);
function my_caldera_caps($cap, $context, $form) {
$cap = 'manage_caldera_forms';
return $cap;