Hey there,
Thanks for using Caldera Forms. I’m sorry you’re having this issue.
I think you are saying that form submission starts but doesn’t complete. This would typically indicate that your site encountered an error while processing the form. You can log the errors yourself to see what’s going on using the method described in this post — https://calderaforms.com/2016/05/wordpress-debug-logging/ — and if you need help troubleshooting, open a support ticket with your errors and we can help you interpret them.
Alternatively, Caldera Forms Pro has most of this error logging built in. When Caldera Forms Pro users submit support requests, the first thing we do is check those logs, if they have the client plugin active we are typically able to help them right away. I didn’t see anything for you, which tells me your API keys aren’t activated. If you want to use this service, please insert your API keys and activate Caldera Forms Pro, and then recreate the error. Upon failure to submit, an error log that I can look at will be created. Let me know when you have done this and we’ll go from there