I’ll try to answer your questions one by one:
Q: Default selection for radio buttons and checkboxes
A: From the form’s settings, you simply should tick the option that will be selected by default, in the choices section of field.
Q: I want a reset button to start over the calculation. But when I use it, the sub-totals are left blank. So, the end result is much lesser than it should be.
A: The plugin includes the button control, and “Reset” is one of types of buttons, you simply should insert a button control, and select the ‘reset’ type on it.
If you want prepopulate some fields with specific values, even pressing the “Reset” button, you should enter the value in the fields’ attributes: “Predefined value”.
Q: When I view the calculator on my phone, the number fields are displayed below its field-label. I have used ‘Small’ field-size. Is there any way to limit the field size to 4 characters, so that they’re displayed on the same line? I want to limit the scrolling required for mobile users.
A: The plugin by default set the width of input fields as 100% in small screens, but if you don’t want this behavior in your form:
1. Open the “/wp-content/plugins/calculated-fields-form/css/stylepublic.css” file with the text editor your choice.
2. And remove the snippet of code:
@media screen and (max-width: 640px){
#fbuilder .small,
#fbuilder .medium{width:100% !important;}
3. Finally, clear the browser’s cache after edit the CSS file.
Q: When alphabets are entered into Number fields, after the cursor is moved to a different field, the Error message displays instruction to enter only digits. Is there any way to disable entering alphabets? I do not want it to be typed at all.
A: Not exactly, an user can always use its alphabetic keyboard, but you can force to use the numeric keyboard like follow:
1. Open the “/wp-content/plugins/calculated-fields-form/js/fields-public/02_fbuilder.fnumber.js” file with the text editor your choice.
2. Go to the snippet of code:
and modify it like follow:
3. Finally, delete the cache file on: “/wp-content/plugins/calculated-fields-form/js/cache/all.js”
Q: Calculated Fields for sub-total need to be displayed different from normal Number fields. Example: In a different colour and without the box around it.
A: All fields in the form include the attribute: “Add Css Layout Keywords” to associate to the field a class name, for example: myclass, and then you can define the new class in any of CSS files of your website:
.myclass input{background-color:red !important;border:0 !important;color:white !important;}
There are other alternatives to modify the fields’ appearance, without modify the CSS files of your website.
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Best regards.