• Resolved sasherafat


    hi there,

    Category Ajax Filter Button in WP panel does not exist but we use this plugin.

    can you help me, i need to edit my short code created.

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  • Plugin Author Trusty Plugins


    Hi @sasherafat ,

    If you are using this on front end then it should be there. Please make sure that CAF plugin is activated and try to find the button ‘Category Filter’ in WordPress dashboard menu.


    Trusty Plugins Team

    Thread Starter sasherafat


    hi @trustyplugins

    CAF plugin is activated (up to date, and try to deactive and active again)

    Category Filter doesn’t exist (check all menu item and sub-item)
    can you send me link address like x.com/admin.php/caf/edit…? it’s work?

    Thread Starter sasherafat


    hi, my issue doesn’t fixed, how can i solve my problem?

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