• I have tried several caching plugins and I have the same issue with all of them. You see, I have a custom mobile version of my WP that was made by essentially hiding elements using CSS. I tried using plugins to make a mobile site but it just wasn’t working out for me. Whenever I had caching enabled, the plugin would disregard that there is a mobile version of the site and it will serve up the desktop version of the site to my mobile users. When I use something like QuickCache or WT3C I can exclude the UAstrings that I use for the mobile version but then that really just defeats the purpose since its not caching anything.

    I am trying to find a way to cache the mobile versions but I need the plugin to understand that there is a difference between the desktop site and the mobile version and the way it can distinguish this is by the UAstring. So what plugin can I for this? My mobile version can only be access with a specific UAstring. I know it sounds weird, but only certain devices with this UAString can access the mobile version. So how do I insure that these users only get the cached mobile version of the site? I am thinking I need two plugins. One that will cache the desktop and exclude the mobile version and one that will exclude the desktop and only cache the mobile ‘theme’.

    Hope this makes sense. Any help would be appreciated.

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  • Try the development version of WP Super Cache and read this post.

    You enable mobile support and tell the plugin what user agents to cache using the filters I mention in that post.

    Thread Starter ayman07


    Wonderful! I will try it out and see. Thanks!

    Thread Starter ayman07


    sorry but I am a bit new this this. okay so I read the post (and only understood bits and pieces) but what I did was I opened up the wp-cache-config-sample.php file and I scrolled down to see this:

    $wp_cache_mobile = 0;
    $wp_cache_mobile_whitelist = ‘Stand Alone/QNws’;
    $wp_cache_mobile_browsers = ‘Android, 2.0 MMP, 240×320, AvantGo, BlackBerry, Blazer, Cellphone, Danger, DoCoMo, Elaine/3.0, EudoraWeb, hiptop, IEMobile, iPhone, iPod, KYOCERA/WX310K, LG/U990, MIDP-2.0, MMEF20, MOT-V, NetFront, Newt, Nintendo Wii, Nitro, Nokia, Opera Mini, Palm, Playstation Portable, portalmmm, Proxinet, ProxiNet, SHARP-TQ-GX10, Small, SonyEricsson, Symbian OS, SymbianOS, TS21i-10, UP.Browser, UP.Link, Windows CE, WinWAP’;

    So are you saying all I have to do is add my UAstring (for example I called it ‘app_browser’) into the list and I then enable mobile support within the plugins menu, rename it to wp-cache-config.php and I am set?

    No, you have to use a filter to modify the list as that list of user agents is updated every time the settings page is saved. It’s explained in the post above. Check the codex for instructions on using “add_filter”.

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