Hi @madflute,
The .gz files are compressed cache files so your cache files are taking up less space.
What you need to do is identify what is visiting your webserver so aggressively.
It’s probably bots, and if it is, you can either ban those user agents or their IP addresses from your server, but that’s beyond the scope of support here, sorry. Or you can stop WP Super Cache from creating cache files for them. They’ll get slower pages but that won’t really matter, except that the load on the server will go up. Look up the “Rejected User Agents” section in the Advanced settings page. Put the useragent you find in your logs there, and the plugin won’t create cache files for them. The useragent is the name of their browser, or the bot name.
It might be worth downloading the contents of the cache directory and checking that each file is the expected size. If you find a file that’s huge, beyond the size of the page it caches, or is being requested directly, maybe there’s a vulnerability on your server and someone is using your server as storage. This is unlikely.
- Download your webserver access logs.
- Examine them for what is hitting your site.
- Look for patterns of aggressive visitors and ban them.
- Check the files in your cache directory to make sure they’re the proper size. Just in case.
There’s not much else we can do, unfortunately. Sorry.