• unicco


    Whenever I scroll through the product-archive, the repeater is called multiple times. New posts is being loaded correctly into the container, which is all fine. However; if I for instance load 3x repeater, and I click on one product, the single product page is being displayed – all good. When I go back (from the single product page), I’ve to start over again, and scroll down 3x times, in order to start off where I initially left the page. This is kinda O.K, when I only have to scroll 3x times, and the posts have been cached serverside. But if the repeater have been called for like 6+ times, its very annoying that I’ve to scroll down each time I navigate to a product. In a userexperience perspective this is very annoying, and hurts conversionrate.

    Is there any proper way to solve this? It doesn’t seem like your cache plugins handles this properly, besides creating an cached version of the productset, which ofcourse makes the infinit scroll work faster 2. time.

    How about loading the products into the users localstorage or something clientside, so whenever the user navigates between SPP and archieve, the content is being displayed instantly?

    Not quite sure if the extensions: preloader + cache gives this functionality together?

    Initially I made an extension to your plugin, so all SPP is being loaded into the DOM using ajax, and prepended in top of the page as a layer-on-top. Using history I manage to hook on back/forward events, so the SPP is being removed on back-button click. However, there are pretty many factors to consider: tradeoffs regarding the SEO-perspectives, prospective navigations from the SPP and forward (for instance click on the recommendations in the footer, searches and so on…). If the user click on these, and go back to the initial SPP, followed by navigating back to the archive… It just seems pretty “trashy” to keep on pushing new events to the history – might just be my lack of experience using the history-library.

    It seems like one of the downsides of using an infinite scroll solution. However, it seems doable to fix this.

    Let me know your thoughts.

    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by unicco.
    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by unicco.
    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by unicco.
    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by unicco.
    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by unicco.
    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by unicco.
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  • Plugin Author Darren Cooney


    Hi @unicco,
    Are you saying that your issue is when youre loading additional pages, clicking into a post and clicking BACK to return to the listing?

    If so, then the SEO add-on will generate paged URLs and allow you to use your browser back button to return to the page you left off.

    Hope this helps.

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