Hi @polina92,
There are different types of cache for all sorts of things, in regards to what you seem to be talking about; Page Caching, the best way I can hope to describe this is that the code (HTML & CSS) which make up the website are exactly the same whether you visit the site on a mobile or on your desktop. CSS checks the device width and if it’s smaller it will rearrange and resize elements to make sure it looks nice on whatever device you’re using. To see an example of this, click and drag the side of your browser window and make the width smaller, you will notice as it gets down to tablet/mobile width it will start rearranging elements. This has nothing to do with caching so therefore you don’t need to worry about it.
Devices and the browsers you use e.g Chrome and Safari, also have their own cache too which is different to page cache. They will store things like fonts and other files in the cache so when you load another page it won’t have to re-download these files if they’re required again, saving requests and bandwidth, this is called Browser Caching.
For more details about caching please read https://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/wordpress-caching/