How can I debug this issue more? I noticed that the same output ( 0 ) is also displayed when I use completely random and non-existing parameters in cronjob URL (like Is there any possibility that cronjob parameters should be different? For example, maybe some changes were made to plugin, but you forgot to update cronjob documentation?
We can confirm the process and functionality for our Auto Update Cache feature is still the same and we are unable to reproduce any issues.
For example, if we try with our test?JSON sample??from the?Documentation? and save this as a dummy JSON file on my LocalHost Site, here are my detailed steps from this test with screenshots.
At first, the “Name” column in the first row of this JSON looks like this :
“Name”: “Ivana Chen”, as on the screenshot :
Now, If we edit this cell on the source JSON and change it to anything, like the Name to?“Milos Test”, and Gender to “Male”,?when I?manually run the Auto Update function via the Browser, it still throws the response as “0” in the browser, but if I refresh the connected?table ( without hitting “Save?Changes”), the table correctly updates it with the new data.
We also did another test when we just let the automated Cron Job, which we setup via WP Crontrol as per the instructions from the Documentation and we can confirm the automated cron works for us to update the data, too.
So, the 0 response is basically normal, can you just check does the connected table update the data when you edit something on the source JSON, then run that manual browser command, refresh your table without hitting “Save Changes” and see does it update the data in the table?
If your table updates the edited data with the manual command, then the issue is not coming from our Plugin but rather the Cron Job on your Site is not ‘firing’ correctly.
If that is the case, if you set up the cron directly on the Hosting server, please check with the Hosting Support what is the configuration on their server and try to modify it accordingly. You can try our suggested variations as from the Documentation advise :
Wow, I can’t believe authors of free plugin provide such superior support. Thank you very much for super-detailed guide; will check it during weekend and let you know.
Hello again, Just a small follow up to check how it went. It is no problem at all, we are happy to advise.
If you tried all the troubleshooting steps as shown and still can’t isolate the issue, our main Support can try to help in more details. If that happens, please open a private ticket on our?main Support platform here, write what you tried so far and one of our Agents will respond as quickly as possible.
If you don’t have?a licence (or if it expired), please open?a?pre-purchase ticket?which doesn’t require a purchase code. Thank you.
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