• How does cache lifetime work? Does it use cron (wp or system) to flush a cache?

    I have cache lifetime set to 4 hours. All cache pages (if they exist) are giving back to user by nginx without calling php or wordpress. I have set system cron to run wp-cron.php every 5 minutes also.

    But if I don’t visit site as admin, plugin does not flush the cache.


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  • Plugin Author GatorDog


    The lifetime is handled on the php side. For http caching, if there are not any directives that will handle this for your http server, you would have to run a cron. I would recommend an actual cron job and not wp cron. Somthing like this would do the trick:

    $cacheDir = '/your-document-root/gator_cache'; // gator cache directory
    $time = time();
    $ttl = 14400; // 4 hours
    $directory = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($cacheDir);
    $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($directory, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
    $cacheFiles = new RegexIterator($iterator, '~index\.(html|gz)$~');
    foreach ($cacheFiles as $file) {
        $path = $file->getPathName();
        if (($time - filemtime($path)) > $ttl) {
            printf("Removing cache file %s\n", $path);

    In the next update, will probably have the http tab generate this script with the appropriate ttl and cache dirs populated for better http caching.

    Thread Starter ram108


    Thank you very much! I will try your script.

    Why not to add a job to wp-cron?

    We need an example of nginx settings to work with cache files directly also. It is only apache .htaccess example right now.

    I took “W3 Total Cache Rules” from here and they work.

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