Interesting. I tried looking at it in chrome developer. But honestly, I can’t really tell if it is giving me the image that was served or the image size that the browser creates. My images already resize to browser width=100%. But google developer did not site the image url from the 1024 folder. It cited the full size image url with different dimensions.
I know gtmetrix is just a general set of readings and maybe its not entirely accurate. Does it need to be under 1024? Because I believe they are testing at exactly screensize 1024, and if it needs to be under then that would explain it.
But I gotta say, I’m just about done with trying to increase my pagespeed scores. Google gives you more points for things that gtmetrix and pingdom takes points off for and vice versa. Crazy.
I’m still not convinced that the header images are being scaled. Are they not just being resized in the browser? I can’t tell anymore.
I’d still love to see gtmetrix show the images were scaled (just for my peace of mind.) But the scores are fine and perhaps I’m just obsessing.
If you send me an email address to [email protected], I’ll be happy to hook you up with those yoga video downloads.