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  • Thread Starter J. Brown


    I do see that more images were created at the 640 break. Is that because you surfed around?

    But there are still only 5 headers in the 1024 folder. There should be 7.

    But the gmetrix test is run at a 1024 screen size. So the headers should get resized but they are not. They are still being sized in html from from 1500×550 to 1024×375. See here:

    (Look under “Serve scaled images)

    As I understand it, the plugin should serve the 1024 image at that screensize. Shouldn’t it? And the too smaller images that are in the 640 folder did not get used either.

    That is the main thing I am trying to do. WordPress does not handle header images nicely like Squarespace. I have to load in a 1500×550 image to meet the average width of a browser (Anything beyond that and you get white space which is lame but what are you going to do? Making it 2500 slows things down too much. Squarespace does all the resizing automatically.)

    I just want to serve up those big header images more efficiently, more responsively. I’m not seeing this plugin doing that yet.

    Thread Starter J. Brown


    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Yes, it was me surfing around! ??

    If the Gtmetrix test was running under 1024px then you are right! But was it really? Where do you specify the screen size in Gtmetrix.

    When I test the same image from Chrome Developer Tools in device mode I see that image correctly in 1024px.

    Thread Starter J. Brown


    Interesting. I tried looking at it in chrome developer. But honestly, I can’t really tell if it is giving me the image that was served or the image size that the browser creates. My images already resize to browser width=100%. But google developer did not site the image url from the 1024 folder. It cited the full size image url with different dimensions.

    I know gtmetrix is just a general set of readings and maybe its not entirely accurate. Does it need to be under 1024? Because I believe they are testing at exactly screensize 1024, and if it needs to be under then that would explain it.

    But I gotta say, I’m just about done with trying to increase my pagespeed scores. Google gives you more points for things that gtmetrix and pingdom takes points off for and vice versa. Crazy.

    I’m still not convinced that the header images are being scaled. Are they not just being resized in the browser? I can’t tell anymore.

    I’d still love to see gtmetrix show the images were scaled (just for my peace of mind.) But the scores are fine and perhaps I’m just obsessing.


    If you send me an email address to [email protected], I’ll be happy to hook you up with those yoga video downloads.

    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Haha, Google is crazy, but it more content oriented than speed oriented. But you are not obsessing. This is the whole point of optimization.

    The best way to test is via and set “Emulate Mobile Browser” setting in the “Advanced Settings” > “Chrome” tab. It is a bit more technical than Gtmetrix and also deeper and customizable.

    (I do not think Gtmetrix uses a 1024 screen, at least no in its free edition. But I am not sure of that.)

    Also, if you test with Chrome browser and set it to device mode you will be able to see the actual images being downloaded. Here is how:

    1. Open Chrome
    2. Open Developer Tools
    3. Toggle device mode on
    4. Choose a mobile device with a small screen
    5. Go to you website ie
    6. Now open a single image ie by copy-pasting its url in the browser address
    7. The image you see should be the resized one. Save it in your computer to check it out.

    Thank you for the yoga videos! I have a class today afternoon. My mates will be so envious! I will send you an email… ??

    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Mae a little test video on how you can do the above process here:

    Can you understand what I am doing there?

    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris



    Thread Starter J. Brown


    Thanks so much Nevma, for making that video. Most thoughtful. I was able to recreate and see that the plugin is working. So appreciate you taking all the time. I will mark this as resolved.

    And I saw your email. When I get home later, I’ll send you that download link.


    Plugin Author Takis Bouyouris


    Hey, I am so glad it actually works! I am very keen on finding any peculiarities and incorporating the solutions into the plugin.

    Whoah, it’s so funny, I just came from the yoga class! ??

    I appreciate the link, aaand perhaps a good rating on the plugin, if you have the time. ??


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