
    Hi folks,

    Since WP 5.6 I have been having problems which WP associate with the Cache Enabler plugin.

    Before that WP5.6 I could clear the cache(s) and there would be no issues.

    Since WP 5.6, when I click on “Clear Page Cache” or “Clear Site Cache” it will generate a WP Fatal Error message and email:

    “Since WordPress 5.2 there is a built-in feature that detects when a plugin or theme causes a fatal error on your site, and notifies you with this automated email.
    In this case, WordPress caught an error with one of your plugins, Cache Enabler.”

    I also use the “Fast Velocity Minify” plugin and now I find that any changes I make to the settings in that plugin, on ‘save’, also result in a notification from WP that Cache Enabler has causes a Fatal Error for the site.

    This was not the case before WP 5.6.

    I thought when WP5.7 came along that the issue would be resolved by Cache Enabler or WP, but that seems not to have happened. So I write now to let you know.

    In the past I have turned on WP Debug to monitor the situation and see if I can get some error messages for you, but none is ever recorded, so I have no other information for you from that source. WP Debug just does not record any errors.

    Perhaps the server logs have such error data, but I don’t know what to look for, or where to look for it, or how to interpret such logs, so cannot provide it.

    However, I noted today that after a non-critical setting change on Fast Velocity Minify (which resulted in the above WP Fatal Error message), that the Cache Enabler cache was not cleared and the error seems to be limited to the admin side of the site, not to the public side.

    So, by the time I open a new browser tab, all was operational again immediately. Sometimes in the past it would take several seconds to get admin access again.

    I write to let you know.

    FYI, I like using Cache Enabler as it is both simple and effective and I have no intention of moving to another cache plugin. I just hope that this issue can get resolved sometime soon.

    Regards and thanks,

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  • Anonymous User 16850768


    Based on what you’ve provided what you’re experiencing doesn’t sound like an issue directly related to Cache Enabler. I’m happy to look into this further to see if I can help identify why this is occurring. To begin, would it be possible to receive your Site Health Info? This can be obtained by going to your WordPress dashboard > Tools > Site Health > Info > Copy site info to clipboard.

    Thread Starter HKP



    Thanks for your reply.

    The situation is still continuing, but I now notice it occurs when the CE Cache is larger, say over 300Mb. When the cache is small, there is no error message. The cache often reaches 1Gb. As I write it is 231Mb.

    My CE settings are Cache Expiry: 2hrs. and to “Clear the site cache if a plugin has been activated or deactivated.”

    Regards and thanks,

    Site Health Info:

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    Anonymous User 16850768


    Thanks for the additional information, @hiskingdomprophecy. Can you please try increasing your max_execution_time directive in your php.ini file? I’d recommend something like 180 or 300 instead of the default 30 in this case. (This value is defined in seconds.)

    Thread Starter HKP



    Thanks. Have changed to 180.

    Will let you know what happens.

    Regards and thanks,

    Thread Starter HKP



    No difference.

    With max_execution_time = 180 and a 583 MB Cache Size, I still get a Fatal Error trying to “Clear Cite Cache” on the admin page.

    Regards and thanks,

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by HKP.
    Anonymous User 16850768


    Thanks for the confirmation. I presume the same would occur at 300 because it sounds like you’re not receiving an execution related error. Leaving this increased should at least resolve the issue that you reported in another thread related to the execution time.

    The bigger issue at hand could be related to your server’s memory. Is your allotted system memory exhausted when this issue occurs? Are you able to increase this to handle scanning your cache directory?

    Thread Starter HKP



    Thanks. I agree with your thoughts and will leave the 300 for the time being.

    At the last WP Core update we got hit with 3x plugin issues which all manifested in greatly increased server loads: FYI, our current loading – during an off-peak time – is “load average: 24.06, 6.43, 3.60,” but plugins still worked.

    1 of the 3 plugina has already been updated and another is under final checking – but I know that one has an impact on our load averages of about 6x-9x the norm.

    As a result, I am a bit hesitant to change our server memory settings at the moment, as it may make matters worse overall.

    The good news is that at a quiet time just now, I manged to clear the CE cache – though it took a long time. So, progress has been made and I can now test the differences of including inline CSS and JavaScript.

    The other reason I am hesitant to change memory allocation settings is that this all worked 100% before this last WP Core update….. Therefore I do expect it all to work that way again soon, with the current server settings, once all the plugin issues are resolved.

    Corey, I’ll now wait patiently now and see what happens and let you know of any developments. Thanks for your help.

    Regards and thanks,

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