• Dear sir, madam,

    Throughout this email I want to inform you about a problem my site -builders have discovered within WordPress. I sincerely need to point out that a quick response is appreciated. We need to go live this week.

    The problem has to do with the ‘cache’ within WordPress probably. My site – builders have built an plug-in so the send-methods can be corresponsive with time. The site has several delivery options that change within time. For example: Ordered before 12:30 pm, the same evening delivered. And after 7 pm a few delivery options change.

    The point is, when it is 12:31, the delivery option must disappear in the send-methodes optionlist. In most cases it worked. But not exactly at that specific time. It has something to do with the ‘cache’ of WordPress. In my own words; the constant automatic refreshing of the website, so everything is up to date; like the delivery options. The printscreen below is from our website. It is in Dutch, but you can see the time problem we experience:

    View post on imgur.com

    *21:31 is 09:30 PM

    The delivery options do change, but not all the time and variably. My sitebuilders have tried everything, but the problem must be within the (cache) of WordPress.

    Could you please give us feedback, suggestions and tips so we can make it work properly. Because of time issues (the live-going of the website this week), a quick response will be appreciated very much. Apologies for the hurry, but as you can imagine, the priority is very high for us.

    Yours sincerely

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by hostingip.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by hostingip.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Steven Stern (sterndata). Reason: fixed imgur link
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  • If you’re using a cache solution (and I guess you really need to do that), then you need to find a way to invalidate the cache at these given times, to ensure that the cache is rebuilt.
    WordPress core in itself does not contain any cache. But several WordPress plugins will happily do this for you. If you’ve been using a one-click-install from your hosting provider, then it’s quite possible that they by default include some plugin for cache in the installation package.
    Also note that your hosting provider also may have some caching layer OUTSIDE of WordPress. It might be worth discussing this issue with them, too.

    In some caching plugins, you may specify certain hours, at which the cache will become “stale”.
    It’s possible that you need to register some cron-jobs to clear the cache at certain times. If you don’t have access to the server’s CLI, then it’s possible that the only cron you may reach is wp-cron, which does NOT fire exactly on a given time, but rather every now and then, as a page is requested somewhere, will have a look whether there are any programmed cron tasks pending.

    Good luck. Please let us know how you manage.

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