• Resolved Jimmy


    Thanks for your plugin, I like the simplicity ??

    A feature request would be to bypass maintenance mode by IP address, this would make it easy for developers to show clients the work in progress. Also a great tool to test the site without being logged in.

    I know you want to keep the plugin simple so I understand if this feature will not be added ??

    However, would it be possible to hook the maintenance function so we can add this function ourselves?

    Today I have to edit the plugin code directly and change it like so:

    function maintenance() {
            $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
            $allowed = array('','');
            if ( ( ! in_array($ip, $allowed) ) && !(current_user_can( 'administrator' ) || current_user_can( 'super admin' )) || ( isset($_GET['ljmm']) && $_GET['ljmm'] == 'preview')) {
                $content = get_option('ljmm-content');
                if(empty($content)) {
                    // fallback
                    $content = '<h1>Website Under Maintenance</h1><p>Our Website is currently undergoing scheduled maintenance. Please check back soon.</p>';
                $content = apply_filters('the_content', $content);
                wp_die($content, get_bloginfo( 'name' ) . ' - ' . __('Website Under Maintenance', LJMM_PLUGIN_DOMAIN), array('response' => '503'));



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  • Plugin Author Lukas Juhas


    Hi Jimmy,

    That’s sounds reasonable, one alternative option would be to give your client login details or create an account for wp-admin which means that if they are logged in – they would see site normally but I understand that you might not want to give them access at first.

    2.0 is currently in development which will contain various hooks for the plugin and I’ll also introduce couple of addons where one of these addons might be IP bypass. This way I’ll keep plugin simple but also give opportunity to extend it’s functionalities if needed.

    I can’t give you estimate on when this will be available as I’m doing it in my free time which is quite limited but there are definitely plans for hooks in very near future.

    Thank you!


    Thread Starter Jimmy


    Yeah you could also give login details, and have a setting in maintenance mode that allows certain user classes to bypass it +1

    But the ip bypass also lets developers test certain functions for a “guest user”. Let’s says your building an ecommerce site and want to test placing an order from a completely new customer that has no account yet ??

    Thanks for the quick reply!

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